Feb 21Liked by Muhammad Jalal

This cannot be more true, or come at a better time. It is indeed the unraveling and decline of the established order that is on its way out, while a new order takes shape.

As a follower of The Thinking Muslim podcast, I have a suggestion for an episode if I may:

Ever since the war on Gaza, I've been thinking how this moment will be one historians turn back to to explain future events, as as you've rightly described, it is showing many of the limitations of the current world we live in.

A few I suspect would be the emergence of more regional security alliances, a new arms race, the erosion of global institutions that were supposed to regulate ideals like freedom, liberty, equality, justice globally and others, multipolar political scenes as you mentioned, and more. Not to mention what's happening currently in the tech space with AI (and its political and military implications).

It would be amazing if there was an episode of the podcast that could cover what experts believe the war in Gaza will bring about in terms of changes to the global stage, and what we as muslims should prepare ourselves for.

Big fan of the podcast and of the work you and your team have been producing, jazakum Allah khayran.

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Jzk thank you so much brother

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My pleasure, all the best to you and to the great work you are doing brother

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Feb 21Liked by Muhammad Jalal

Amazingly thorough and detailed article. Absolutley agree that the foundation of liberalism is the superiority of Americans and West Europeans over others. It was so blatant early on but are now enforcing a type economic colonialism to maintain their power and status as clearly mentioned.

Ive founf this mentality of superiority not only exists at the top government level but is also found at the functional levels, in both the public and private companies. Unfortunelaty, I've heard of examples of promotions based on "looking the part" over experience and qualification, which I'm we all have. This may have worked for first generation migrants but is a recipe for disaster as migrant generations are born and raised in the West.

If only Muslims within Western countries could unite and rely on each other instead of the liberal world order... Insha'Allah we become the people worthy of such unity and strength.

Please keep up the articles and the podcasts!

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Well said! 🌚

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Your post is too long for me to read now in its entirety. I would reply that no-one prepared us for the Zionists both in the US and Israel.

(It’s effectively the return of a form of absolutism not that different to Nazism). At the same time no-one was watching how international Jewry was quietly gaming the system through the exploitation of its ‘exceptionalism’ and ‘victimhood’, how it built up lobby groups throughout the West that served the interests of local Jews and Israel to a point where it could dictate policy to its US backers and Western governments everywhere.

So maybe it was all an illusion, decades of ‘bread and circuses’, consumer choice, Hollywood fantasies and false external enemies (especially Islam) to put us off-guard so we wouldn’t see the dark monster evolving in our midst. Now it is on the rampage. And no-one knows where it’s headed next.

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This post breaks my heart but what you say is very true. It is the so called Liberal western nations who refuse to do anything to help but to send more arms. Their hypocricy is in full view of the world.

Thank you for your Thinking Muslim Podcasts and your critical analysis of the on going war in Gaza.

Your guests are outstanding. I have gained so much infromation from them

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MashAllah! This is a very thoroughly detailed and clear article! Keep up the great work!

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