In terms of his policy for the Middle East it will not change. He has already made deals with Israel in terms of the West Bank. It will be no different from Biden

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A great thought provoking article, thanks.

Various academics have pointed out that the world has shifted from of a period of unusual stability into what it normally is, chaos and unpredicability. They say we should not expect to return to this lost predictability for the foreseeable future.

Your article suggests as such. The liberal order is over.

My preference/hope is for any modicum of stability where people can build confidence, respect and trust in one another, no matter how small. No doubt new centers of this stability will arise. Lets hope they grow in strength and take greater and greater hold.

Concluding, it seems as though Trump will give Netanyahu a blank cheque on the West Bank. Biden, despite his many short comings, would not have been that cavalier

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